Quantum Computing at the World’s Top 50 Innovators 2024

Dear Friends,

Delegates at the World’s Top 50 Innovators 2024 were invited into the mind-bending realm of quantum computing! Imagine a world where computers harness the bizarre, counterintuitive laws of the quantum realm to solve seemingly intractable problems. We’re talking about unbreakable encryption, revolutionary drug discovery, climate change, and materials that defy the laws of physics.

In this Quantum Computing session, listen again to the Codex Talks from the leading players and visionary thinkers as they unveil the latest breakthroughs and paint a picture of the quantum revolution to come. Witness the dawn of a new era in computing that will reshape our world beyond imagination.

Subodh Kulkarni, President and CEO, Rigetti
How should we embrace the quantum society?

Jan Goetz, Co-CEO, IQM
Why must businesses prepare for quantum advantage?

Vishal Shete, Managing Director, Terra Quantum
In an era where software eats the world, what is the role of Quantum?

Sabrina Maniscalco, CEO, Algorithmiq
How close are we to utilising quantum technology in commercial applications in life sciences?

Richard Murray, CEO, ORCA Computing
Why does machine learning and generative AI urgently need quantum?

Listen to all the Codex Talks from the World’s Top 50 Innovators 2024 click here

Have a great day..!