Andrew Neil is a publisher, broadcaster and company chairman working out of London, New York, Dubai and the South of France. He is currently Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Press Holdings Media Group, publishers of The Spectator, Spectator Business, Spectator Australia, and Apollo, the world-renowned art magazine. He currently presents four editions of the Daily Politics on BBC2 every week, the award-winning This Week on BBC1 and Straight Talk with Andrew Neil on BBC News 24.
Andrew Neil, BBC Broadcaster; Chairman, Press Holdings Media Group
Life in a tri-polar world with economies of USA, China and India holding the balance of power;
Strategic implications for countries like UK;
The emergence of India on the global stage;
His thoughts on the current political scene in the UK;
Anecdotes from his legendary media career.

The Westbury Hotel, Conduit Street, Mayfair, London, United Kingdom